Thursday, March 22, 2012

AL ICT - programming language – Python -Assignment 1

AL ICT - programming language – Python -Assignment 1
11)     What do the follow Python statements return? If an error results, just write "error". (assume that you be the interpreter)

                 What You Type

                What Python Returns

>>> 1 + 2 * 3

>>> 4 ** (5 - 2 - 1)

>>> len('cat') + 2 * len('mouse')

>>> len(str(2 * 3 * 4))

>>> int(3 * str(2))

>>> 4 * "10"

>>> "4" * "10"

    2 )    You must use exact Python syntax in the following questions!!
Question                                                                Answer
 Write a fragment of Python code that works as follows. Ask the user to enter their favourite drink, and if they say "water", print "good!". Otherwise, print "what a poor idea".

Write a for-loop that prints the numbers 1000 down to 1 (inclusive), one number per line, i.e.:


 Re-do the previous question, but this time use a while-loop.

33)How old is Python? What languages does it relate to? Give a very brief summary about python language.

4 4) Consider the following Python fragment:

     n = 3
     m = 5
     n = n + m
     m = n – m
     n = n – m
What values do we have in the two variables at the end? Can you summarize the meaning of the last three lines, in general?
5.     Consider the following code:
if x > 3:
  if x <= 5:
    y = 1
  elif x != 6: 
    y = 2
    y = 3
  y = 4

If y has the value 2 after executing the above program fragment, then what do you know about the initial value of x?
 6)   Consider the following two fragments:

if x == 5:
  x = x + 1
  x = 8
if x == 5:
  x = x + 1
if x != 5:
  x = 8

Are the two fragments logically equivalent? Why or why not?
7) Simplify the following expressions:  assume that a=5
·         a and not a  …………………………………
·         a or not a   …………………………………
·         x >= 6 and x < 7  …………………………………
·         a == False …………………………………
·         a == True  …………………………………
·         a or True  …………………………………
·         a and True  …………………………………
·         a and False  …………………………………
·         a or False  …………………………………
·         False and False or True  …………………………………
·         False and (False or True)  …………………………………

        8)   What is the output  of the following code fragment:
      n = 10
     m = n
n = 12
print m
Does the change in n affect m at all? Why (or why not)?
9) Briefly explain and evaluate (assume i holds an integer value):
i = i + 1
i == i + 1
i == i
i = i
10.                        Consider the following Python code:
i = 10
while i < 10:
    i = i - 1
print i
What does it print (or amount to)? Do you see any potential problem with it
11.        s = 0
i = 10
while i > 0:
    s = s + i
    i = i - 1
print s
What does it print (if anything)?

12.                          Your school wants you to write a program for them that will calculate the average number of wins for their chess team over the past five years.  The user of the program should be able to enter the number of wins each year.  The program will calculate the average number of wins during that five year period and display that information to the screen.  Draw a flowchart and write a python program to accomplish the above task.

13.                        A dietician wants you to write a program that will calculate the number of calories a person can lose by walking at a slow pace for a mile; however, the user will have only the distance given by a pedometer, which is measured in steps and not miles.  Assume each mile a person walks is equivalent to 2000 steps, and that for every mile walked, a person loses 65 calories.  Allow the user of the program to enter the number of steps taken throughout the day.  The program will calculate the distance in miles and the number of calories lost.  The user of the program should also be able to enter the day of the week the data is being calculated for.  The day of the week, the distance in miles, and the calories lost should then be displayed to the screen. The algorithm is given for you
a.       Get the day of the week.
b.      Get the number of steps reported on the pedometer.
c.       Divide the number of steps taken by 2000, which is the number of steps per mile.
d.      Multiply the result of Step 3 times 65, which is the number of calories burned per mile.
e.      Display the input information in Step 1.
f.        Display the calculated information in Step 4 and 5.
Draw a flow chart and write a python program to accomplish the task/
14.                        Is the loop in the code below infinite? How do you know (for sure) before you run it?
m = 3
n = 5
while n < 10:
    m = n - 1
    n = 2 * n - m
    print n, m
15.                        Test the given 2 examples to practice for loop and write down the output of each.
for letter in 'Python':     # First Example
   print 'Current Letter :', letter

fruits = ['banana', 'apple',  'mango']
for fruit in fruits:        # Second Example
   print 'Current fruit :', fruit

print "Good bye!"

16.                        Test the given 2 examples to practice while loop and write down the output of each.
count = 0
while (count < 9):
   print 'The count is:', count
   count = count + 1

print "Good bye!"

17.                        Write the  output of the following program before you run it. Then check your answer with running the program.
for letter in 'Python':    
   if letter == 'h':
   print 'Current Letter :', letter
18.                        Write the  output of the following program before you run it. Then check your answer with running the program.

var = 10                   
while var > 0:             
   print 'Current variable value :', var
   var = var -1
   if var == 5:
19.                        Write the  output of the following program before you run it. Then check your answer with running the program.
for letter in 'Python':    
   if letter == 'h':
   print 'Current Letter :', letter
20.                        Write the  output of the following program before you run it. Then check your answer with running the program.
var = 10                    
while var > 0:             
   var = var -1
   if var == 5:
   print 'Current variable value :', var
print "Good bye!"

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